5 أكتوبر 2024
2 سنة منذ
الداخلية السودانية: سنحقق في مقطع فيديو لشخص يحمل مسدسا وهو يتأهب للقنص
New victim today as a result of the coup forces' suppression of the peaceful marches: Martyr Mujtaba was run over by sudancoup forces cars in Khartoum2 سنة منذ
New victim today as a result of the coup forces' suppression of the peaceful marches: Martyr Mujtaba was run over by sudancoup forces cars in Khartoum
2 سنة منذ
قوات الأمن تطلق قنابل الغاز على متظاهرين في العاصمة السودانية
أمدرمان   قمع الثائرات والثوار بشارع الشهيد عبدالعظيم الأربعين سابقا واطلاق الرصاص والغاز المسيل لدموع في مليونية29رمضان  في ذكرى مجزرة_القيادة_العامة اليوم السبت ٣٠ أبريل ٢٠٢٢م. المركز_الثوري_الموحد2 سنة منذ
أمدرمان قمع الثائرات والثوار بشارع الشهيد عبدالعظيم "الأربعين سابقا" واطلاق الرصاص والغاز المسيل لدموع في مليونية29رمضان في ذكرى مجزرة_القيادة_العامة اليوم السبت ٣٠ أبريل ٢٠٢٢م. المركز_الثوري_الموحد
Demonstrators flocked to 60th Street earlier in this evening2 سنة منذ
Demonstrators flocked to 60th Street earlier in this evening
2 سنة منذ
UN 'appalled' as more than 200 killed in fighting in Sudan's Darfur
2 سنة منذ
إطلاق نار كثيف تشهده مدينة الجنينة غرب دارفور
2 سنة منذ
البرهان: مستعدون للموافقة على كل ما يجمع عليه السودانيون
2 سنة منذ
مجلس السيادة السوداني يؤكد استمراره في بذل المزيد من الجهد بهدف فرض هيبة الدولة وسيادة القانون وبسط الأمن في دارفور
Night protests in Rufa'a, Jezira State against SudanCoup2 سنة منذ
Night protests in Rufa'a, Jezira State against SudanCoup
2 سنة منذ
Five people were killed and 12 others were wounded to varying degrees on Monday, in a traffic accident on the road from Nyala to Kass in South Darfur Sudan
Night protest in Riyadh, Khartoum - announcing tomorrow march  Fasting didn't stop the protests, they will continue until SudanCoup junta falls. During Ramadan, protests starts at 4pm local time & end with group Iftar2 سنة منذ
Night protest in Riyadh, Khartoum - announcing tomorrow march Fasting didn't stop the protests, they will continue until SudanCoup junta falls. During Ramadan, protests starts at 4pm local time & end with group Iftar
2 سنة منذ
Abdelshakour Barma (24) was killed, and his father, Barma Tarboush, was wounded in an armed attack in the Sirba locality of West Darfur on Monday
2 سنة منذ
And, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Sudan is expressing concern over continued inter-communal clashes in the Darfur region where more than 100 people have been killed, and 15,000 others displaced across the region since late last month
Photos of this evening's demonstrations against SudanCoup in Bahri, Khartoum, on the third anniversary of the fall of the Bashir government2 سنة منذ
Photos of this evening's demonstrations against SudanCoup in Bahri, Khartoum, on the third anniversary of the fall of the Bashir government
Demonstrations against military rule begin in Medani, Jezira State2 سنة منذ
Demonstrations against military rule begin in Medani, Jezira State
Another anti-coup procession launched in Zalingei, the capital of Central Darfur State, Central Darfur, despite fasting and high temperatures2 سنة منذ
Another anti-coup procession launched in Zalingei, the capital of Central Darfur State, Central Darfur, despite fasting and high temperatures
Sudanese protesters took to the streets of Khartoum to protest against military rule during third anniversary of popular uprising that led to overthrow of former ruler Omar al-Bashir2 سنة منذ
Sudanese protesters took to the streets of Khartoum to protest against military rule during third anniversary of popular uprising that led to overthrow of former ruler Omar al-Bashir
Sea of protesters in Bahri, Khartoum chanting for the dismantling of the RSF.   The revolution is the people's, the power is the people's, and the military belongs in the barracks2 سنة منذ
Sea of protesters in Bahri, Khartoum chanting for the dismantling of the RSF. "The revolution is the people's, the power is the people's, and the military belongs in the barracks"
March in Port Sudan as part of the April 6th Earthquake2 سنة منذ
March in Port Sudan as part of the "April 6th Earthquake"
Residents of Atbara come out in protest, calling for participation in tomorrow's demonstrations against SudanCoup2 سنة منذ
Residents of Atbara come out in protest, calling for participation in tomorrow's demonstrations against SudanCoup
About 13 armed youth arrested for suspected robberies in Kapoeta East2 سنة منذ
About 13 armed youth arrested for suspected robberies in Kapoeta East
The northern city of Dongola joining others around the country in protest today against SudanCoup and military rule2 سنة منذ
The northern city of Dongola joining others around the country in protest today against SudanCoup and military rule
Large demonstration taking place in Port Sudan, Red Sea State, part of today's nationwide demonstrations against Sudan Coup2 سنة منذ
Large demonstration taking place in Port Sudan, Red Sea State, part of today's nationwide demonstrations against Sudan Coup
The city of ElObeid in North Kordofan joins others in demonstration against SudanCoup and military rule
2 سنة منذ
At least 10 killed and two villages were burned in clashes between the Fallata and Rizeigat tribesmen in South Darfur capital of Nyala Sudan
Bahri march to Khartoum palace2 سنة منذ
Bahri march to Khartoum palace
2 سنة منذ
قتل (3) اشخاص احدهما يعمل بـ القوات_المسلحة في احداث منفصلة بولايات وسط وغرب وشمال_دارفور يومي الثلاثاء والاربعاء، وقتل في الحادث الاول نازح رميا بـ رصاص مسلحين خلال عملية نهب_مسلح.السودان راديو_دبنقا Sudan
2 سنة منذ
At least 20 people have been reported killed in renewed clashes between Fallata and Rizeigat tribesmen in South Darfur Sudan on Monday and Tuesday
Barricading & burning of tires in Kassala today, per the schedule of resistance activities2 سنة منذ
Barricading & burning of tires in Kassala today, per the schedule of resistance activities