29 Januari 2025
4 maand geleden
Amerikaanse gezant in Soedan roept op tot humanitaire wapenstilstand in Darfur
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Ministerie van Volksgezondheid van Soedan meldt dat het aantal doden door de cholera-epidemie is gestegen tot 348
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Blinken: Rapid Support Forces moeten de nodige maatregelen nemen om burgers te beschermen
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Egyptische minister van Buitenlandse Zaken: Staakt-het-vuren in Soedan en binnenkomst van hulp zijn urgente noodzaak
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Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken van Egypte: Ik heb met Blinken gesproken over de noodzaak van een staakt-het-vuren in Soedan
President Biden heeft een verklaring afgegeven over de crisis in Soedan en de verslechterende situatie in El Fasher
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Luchtaanvallen in Nyala, Zuid-Darfur en gebieden in de staten Khartoem en Al-Jazeera op zondag en maandag
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Rapid Support Forces hervatten vanmorgen, dinsdag, hun artilleriebeschietingen op Al-Fasher
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De minister van Financiën van Soedan zegt dat de regering bereid is om rechtstreeks met de VAE te onderhandelen om haar rol in de burgeroorlog in Soedan te begrijpen. Hoewel de betrekkingen officieel niet zijn verbroken, heeft de diplomatieke missie van de VAE Port Sudan een paar dagen geleden verlaten.
De minister van Buitenlandse Zaken van Zuid-Soedan bevestigde dat ingenieurs van Sufan de nodige technische voorbereidingen hebben getroffen voor de hervatting van de olieproductie. Er wordt verwacht dat ingenieurs uit Zuid-Soedan de komende weken Soedan zullen bezoeken om zich vertrouwd te maken met de gereedheid van de faciliteiten4 maand geleden
De minister van Buitenlandse Zaken van Zuid-Soedan bevestigde dat ingenieurs van Sufan de nodige technische voorbereidingen hebben getroffen voor de hervatting van de olieproductie. Er wordt verwacht dat ingenieurs uit Zuid-Soedan de komende weken Soedan zullen bezoeken om zich vertrouwd te maken met de gereedheid van de faciliteiten
4 maand geleden
Botsingen tussen het Soedanese leger en de Rapid Support Forces in Darfur en Omdurman
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Rapid Support Forces bombarderen gebieden in het noorden van Omdurman
Het Soedanese leger bereidt zich voor om nieuwe aanvallen op El Fasher in Darfur af te slaan
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Artillerie van het Soedanese leger richt zich op raketlanceerplatforms van Rapid-ondersteuningstroepen in Bahri
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Soedanese ministerie van Volksgezondheid registreert twee doden en ongeveer 200 nieuwe choleragevallen
Hevige gevechten in El Fasher en luchtaanvallen in Mellit, Nyala, El Dali en Oost-Nijl
Botsingen tussen het Soedanese leger en de Rapid Support Forces op de oostelijke as van El Fasher
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Saudi Foreign Minister: We agree with Egypt on the necessity of stopping the war in Sudan
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Secretary-General of the League of Arab States: Food crisis in Sudan is the worst in the world
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Sudanese army launches raids on Rapid Support Forces sites in Darfur
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Sudanese Minister of Health: The shortage of medicines in some states is due to the Rapid Support Forces preventing their passage
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Damazin Resistance Committees reveal the withdrawal of the Rapid Support Forces from the Blue Nile to Al-Dali and Al-Mazmum
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Renewed fighting between the army and the Rapid Support Forces in the city of El Fasher, North Darfur, after several days of calm
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WHO Director-General: We are working to mobilize efforts to support the health system in Sudan
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Al-Burhan to Chinese President: Sudan looks forward to working with China to build a strategic partnership that benefits the people of both countries
Sudan's army chief Burhan is taking advantage of his trip to China to meet with numerous Chinese arms companies. Number three on the list: China POLY Group. Its subsidiary POLY Technologies deals with missiles and various other military products4 maand geleden
Sudan's army chief Burhan is taking advantage of his trip to China to meet with numerous Chinese arms companies. Number three on the list: China POLY Group. Its subsidiary POLY Technologies deals with missiles and various other military products
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Sudanese army airstrike on Rapid Support Forces sites east of Khartoum
4 maand geleden
The Ministry of Health in Sudan announced that the number of cholera deaths has risen to 71 people and 87 new cases have been recorded.
Egyptian Foreign Minister's to the UN Security Council on the developments of the Ethiopian dam: Egypt is almost entirely dependent on the Nile River for its renewable water resources, which are indispensable for meeting the vital humanitarian needs and basic rights of Egyptians. Although the Nile River has experienced successive flood seasons above average in recent years, which has relatively protected Egypt from serious damage, the continuation of Ethiopian policies, as announced by the Ethiopian PM on August 26, 2024, could pose an existential threat to Egypt, as well as the rights and interests of 150 million citizens in the two downstream countries, and thus jeopardize regional and international peace and security. After exhausting all peaceful means, including repeatedly resorting to the Security Council, in the hope of convincing Ethiopia to desist from its illegal unilateral policies and accept any of the existing compromises that balance the interests and rights of all parties, the Government of Egypt is ready to exercise its right to defend and protect the rights and interests of the Egyptian people, in accordance with the United Nations Charter. Egypt urges the Security Council to assume its responsibilities under Article 24 of the United Nations Charter, by taking appropriate measures to ensure that Ethiopia stops its illegal unilateral practices in the Nile Basin4 maand geleden
Egyptian Foreign Minister's to the UN Security Council on the developments of the Ethiopian dam: Egypt is almost entirely dependent on the Nile River for its renewable water resources, which are indispensable for meeting the vital humanitarian needs and basic rights of Egyptians. Although the Nile River has experienced successive flood seasons above average in recent years, which has relatively protected Egypt from serious damage, the continuation of Ethiopian policies, as announced by the Ethiopian PM on August 26, 2024, could pose an existential threat to Egypt, as well as the rights and interests of 150 million citizens in the two downstream countries, and thus jeopardize regional and international peace and security. After exhausting all peaceful means, including repeatedly resorting to the Security Council, in the hope of convincing Ethiopia to desist from its illegal unilateral policies and accept any of the existing compromises that balance the interests and rights of all parties, the Government of Egypt is ready to exercise its right to defend and protect the rights and interests of the Egyptian people, in accordance with the United Nations Charter. Egypt urges the Security Council to assume its responsibilities under Article 24 of the United Nations Charter, by taking appropriate measures to ensure that Ethiopia stops its illegal unilateral practices in the Nile Basin
5 maand geleden
Rains and floods destroy 3,000 tents in Abu Shouk camp in Al Fasher