O ministro das finanças do Sudão diz que o governo está pronto para negociar diretamente com os Emirados Árabes Unidos para entender seu papel na guerra civil do Sudão. Embora as relações não tenham sido oficialmente cortadas, a missão diplomática dos Emirados Árabes Unidos deixou Port Sudan há alguns dias.
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O ministro das finanças do Sudão diz que o governo está pronto para negociar diretamente com os Emirados Árabes Unidos para entender seu papel na guerra civil do Sudão. Embora as relações não tenham sido oficialmente cortadas, a missão diplomática dos Emirados Árabes Unidos deixou Port Sudan há alguns dias.
O Ministro das Relações Exteriores do Sudão do Sul confirmou que os engenheiros da Sufan concluíram os preparativos técnicos necessários para a retomada da produção de petróleo. Engenheiros do Sudão do Sul devem visitar o Sudão nas próximas semanas para se familiarizarem com a prontidão das instalações
Sudan's army chief Burhan is taking advantage of his trip to China to meet with numerous Chinese arms companies. Number three on the list: China POLY Group. Its subsidiary POLY Technologies deals with missiles and various other military products
Egyptian Foreign Minister's to the UN Security Council on the developments of the Ethiopian dam: Egypt is almost entirely dependent on the Nile River for its renewable water resources, which are indispensable for meeting the vital humanitarian needs and basic rights of Egyptians. Although the Nile River has experienced successive flood seasons above average in recent years, which has relatively protected Egypt from serious damage, the continuation of Ethiopian policies, as announced by the Ethiopian PM on August 26, 2024, could pose an existential threat to Egypt, as well as the rights and interests of 150 million citizens in the two downstream countries, and thus jeopardize regional and international peace and security. After exhausting all peaceful means, including repeatedly resorting to the Security Council, in the hope of convincing Ethiopia to desist from its illegal unilateral policies and accept any of the existing compromises that balance the interests and rights of all parties, the Government of Egypt is ready to exercise its right to defend and protect the rights and interests of the Egyptian people, in accordance with the United Nations Charter. Egypt urges the Security Council to assume its responsibilities under Article 24 of the United Nations Charter, by taking appropriate measures to ensure that Ethiopia stops its illegal unilateral practices in the Nile Basin
At the request of the US, the UN Security Council is considering sanctions against the commander of RSF operations, Osman Mohamed Hamed, and the RSF commander in Sudan's West Darfur state, Abdulrahman Juma Barikallah.
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