5 October 2024
The Doctors Committee records 4 deaths and 327 cases of gunshot wounds on protesters in peaceful marches against the coup
According to eyewitnesses, the coup forces stabbed a number of demonstrators with knives in today's marches in Khartoum although, these demonstrators were wounded by live bullets
A large demonstration in Medani, Jezira State against Sudan Coup2 year ago
A large demonstration in Medani, Jezira State against Sudan Coup
Video of today's protests in Kosti, White Nile State, part of nationwide demonstrations against SudanCoup
Anti-coup protests taking place across Sudan flag-sdflag-sd today. Young protestors are holding their ground as the military fires tear gas hoping to clear the streets
The US Treasury has imposed sanctions on Sudan's Central Resrve Police force
Sudan Doctors Committee reports the death of Ahmed Maqameldin, 13 years old, after he was shot in the head by SudanCoup forces during March 17 demos in Omdurman
Night protests in Medani, Jezira State2 year ago
Night protests in Medani, Jezira State
Coup forces suppress the protesters in Sharq Al neel
Khartoum and the states are witnessing a steady increase in lawlessness, which is represented in killings, looting at gunpoint and theft of shops and homes. Citizens indicated that most of the perpetrators of lawlessness incidents wear military uniforms.
2 year ago
The coup forces use live bullets to suppress the revolutionaries in Port Sudan, as well as in Khartoum near the Sharoni area.
2 year ago
Sudan Doctors Committee: 7 injured in yesterday's demonstrations in Nyala, South Darfur - 6 students and 1 teacher. Injuries varied from direct hits with teargas canisters to physical assault with the gunstock of SudanCoup rifles
The moment of the retreat of the revolutionaries' processions due to the excessive use of force by the coup forces on Al-Qasr Street in the procession of March 17th
The coup forces continue to suppress the demonstrators in Burri
Violent clashes erupted in the Sudanese capital between the police forces and the participants in the "Restitution of Dignity" million, calling for the fall of the military authority in the country.
Atbara joins other cities around the nation in protest today, demanding an end to SudanCoup
The city of Gedarif also out in protest today against SudanCoup
The city of AlManagil in Jezira State has come out to protest the exorbitant cost of living and the deteriorating quality of life under SudanCoup2 year ago
The city of AlManagil in Jezira State has come out to protest the exorbitant cost of living and the deteriorating quality of life under SudanCoup
Security warning from the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum for its nationals
Kosti Resistance Committees have barricaded the Kosti-Rabak-ElObeid road in an escalation of resistance against SudanCoup2 year ago
Kosti Resistance Committees have barricaded the Kosti-Rabak-ElObeid road in an escalation of resistance against SudanCoup
In Atbara, residents barricade the Um Altuyoor Bridge, a main thoroughfare that serves as a link between cement production areas in River Nile State and Khartoum and Merowe. Barricades are used by Sudan's nonviolent resistance movement as a way to apply pressure on SudanCoup
Demonstrations in Kosti, White Nile State earlier today against SudanCoup
SudanCoup forces teargas school for girls in Atbara, River Nile State; several teachers & students being resuscitated. Protests are taking place in the city (in which high school students participated) as part of today's round of nationwide demos
Photos from central Khartoum demos today showing continued use of teargas and other suppression tactics by SudanCoup forces on peaceful protesters
Photos of today's demonstrations in Damazin, Blue Nile State show the presence of SudanCoup forces on the streets2 year ago
Photos of today's demonstrations in Damazin, Blue Nile State show the presence of SudanCoup forces on the streets
Night protest in ElObeid, North Kordofan against SudanCoup and military rule, in a continuing escalation of resistance activities nationwide
2 year ago
Escalation of resistance activities reported in Kosti, White Nile State, denouncing the killing of 2 young protesters during yesterday's demos in Khartoum
Sudan Doctors Committee: 157 injured in Khartoum and Medani during March 8 demonstrations against SudanCoup, including 51 injuries resulting from buckshot
Large demonstration taking place in the city of Gedarif today in rejection of SudanCoup and military rule
2 year ago
Jebel Moon: Two killed, seven injured in, and at least 10 missing in attacks in West Darfur Sudan